Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I must be crazy for tackling this project during wedding season...but, the new blog site is up and running. I love it, and hope you do, too. The new site is more representative of my style of photography and a better showcase for the previews and features that I post to the blog. Check out the new blog site.

And while I am making announcements, the proofing site and system is changing for weddings and portraits. Eventually sports and events will move to the new site...but one project at a time. Through customer feedback, I took all your frustrations and suggestions in mind when making this decision. The new site features a faster way to sort through and view the proofs, allows you to look at more detail of your proofs, and is way less complicated than the old site. It is a work in process at the moment, with many enhancements and features to be added. It is still wedding season after all. I hope to have all the kinks worked out by the new year. In the meantime, all proofs are still at the old site. Any links I sent you for your proofs, still works and all your proofs are still there. Currently I have only the last wedding (Amber and Nelson) posted on the new site. All future portrait proofs and weddings will post to the new proof site. All the links to proofs on the websites and blog point you to the new home for proofs. There is a link on the new blog for proofs that posted prior to today on the old site. That is listed in the "links" button at the top of the blog.

As always if you have trouble finding your proofs or blog post, just give me a call or send me an email. I appreciate all the help, feedback, suggestions, and your patience through this process. I like to stay current with technology, but make it an enjoyable / easy process for you. - Cheryl

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